Geological Time
Eon/time | Era | Period / comment | Epoch / comment |
Hadean Eon : 4.6 - 3.8Ga |
Archean Eon : 3.8 - 2.5 Ga |
3.8-3.6 Ga | Eoarchean | ||
3.6-3.2 Ga | Paleoarchean | ||
3.2-2.8 Ga | Mesoarchean | ||
2.8-2.5 Ga | Neoarchean | ||
Proterozoic Eon : 2.5 Ga ~ 542 Ma |
2.5-1.6 Ga | Siderian 2.5-2.3 | evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis continents stabilized |
Rhyacian 2.3-2.05 | |||
Orosinian 2.05-1.8 | |||
Stratherian 1.8-1.6 | |||
1.6-1.0 Ga | Mesoproterozoic Era | Calymmian 1.6-1.4 | Rodinia starts to assemble evolution of sexual reproduction |
Ectasian 1.4-1.2 | |||
Stenian 1.2-1 | |||
1.0 Ga-542 Ma | Neoproterozoic Era | Tonian 1.0 Ga -850 Ma | glaciations dubbed "Snowball Earth" earliest multicelled fossils |
Cryogenian 850-635 Ma | |||
Vendian or Ediacaran, 635-542 | |||
Phanerozoic Eon : 542 Ma - present | |||
542-251 Ma | Paleozoic Era | Cambrian 542-488.3 | Cambrian "explosion" |
Ordovician 488.3-443.7 | began and ended (2nd largest) with extinction events: graptolites, first jawed fish, land plants Gondwana, Taconinc orogeny |
Silurian 443.7-416 | Named for Wales. Euramerica and Caledonian orogeny graptolites, coral reefs, first bony fish, Myriapods were first terrestrial animals, first vascular plants; eurypterids; brachiopods, bryozoa, molluscs, and trilobites abundant in warm seas |
Devonian 416-359.2 | "Age of Fishes", first sharks, first ammonites; land - first tetrapods, insects, spiders, and seed-bearing plants | ||
Carboniferous 359.2-299.0 | Pangaea assembling, Hercynian and Alleghanian orogenies Mississippian and Pennsylvanian separated by an unconformity: cyclothemic coal deposits, widespread epicontinental seas and carbonate depostion. Insect and amphibian gigantism. Foraminifera prominent. |
Permian 299-251 | Pangaea. Permian-Triassic extinction event (largest) with loss of 90% to 95% of marine species and 70% of all land organisms |
251-65.5 | Mesozoic Era | Triassic 251-199.6 | starts and ends with extinction events, adaptive radiation after P-T extinction; angiosperms, pterosaurs |
Jurassic 199.6-145.4 | Pangaea break-up "Age of Dinosaurs" |
Cretaceous 145.4-65.5 | Named for chalk (coccolith) deposits of France and South England K-T boundary extinction event - Chicxulub impact crater |
65.5-present | Cenozoic Era | Paleogene 65.5-23.03 | Paleocene 65.5-55.8 (mammals) |
Eocene 55.8-33.9 : ends with Grande Coupure extinction event first modern mammals |
Oligocene 33.9-23.03 : climate cooling begins by end of epoch | |||
Neogene 23.03-present | Horses, mastodons, first apes |
Australopithecus, Homo habilis | |||
glaciations, megafauna, anatomically modern humans |
.005- present end of recent glaciation, rise of civilization |
Labels: Archean, Ediacaran, Hadean, Phanerozoic, Proterozoic, Vendian
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